Does a healthy mind live in a healthy body? or Does it take a healthy mind to create a healthy body?

The answer is very clear in my mind and here is why... In this fit and fat conscious society we are all striving for better physical health, we want to be fitter and more mobile for longer, disease free and look good! I know many people who appear physically fit they take regular exercises and eat all the 'right' foods but [...]

Is change frightening or exciting?

So many people I work with are frightened of change.  They come to me with a barrel load of issues that cumulatively create a lot of discomfort in their lives but still they are scared of what might happen if they change it, so they insist on holding on to it as it feels safe.  So I [...]


The definition of insanity : Doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.  So if you want something different do something different! It is like sitting a the foot of a mountain and crying about not being able to get to the top. One of the beliefs you could be holding [...]

Value for money!

The key phrase when buying anything in today's economic climate is 'Value for money'.So you might buy the latest phone or gadget but you do it mainly because you believe it will improve your life, maybe it consume less of your time to do a task with this new gismo or it maybe that the task is now much [...]

By |2019-01-31T11:59:44+00:00February 27th, 2013|Uncategorized|0 Comments
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