Getting the best out of your Option Process® dialogue

I have worked with hundreds of people as an Option Process Mentor-Counsellor over the last few years to help them work through their issues, some solve these in minutes and others want to talk through the same issue session upon session, neither is right or wrong, it is totally that individuals process.However, if you find yourself wanting [...]

By |2019-01-31T11:59:46+00:00October 19th, 2012|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Safety in tears

Yes you read the title correctly.  What does that mean? well here is my experience and that of many others that have shared with me...we (as a population) tend to hold on to sadness/discomforts in situations as we feel safer doing so than to go to a more comfortable space...we hang on to the worst [...]

By |2019-01-31T11:59:47+00:00October 19th, 2012|Uncategorized|0 Comments
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