About Rekha Neilson Option Process Mentor

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So far Rekha Neilson Option Process Mentor has created 62 blog entries.

Is ‘fine’ a feeling?

If you know me, you know I love to talk :).  When conversing with most people and even clients when I ask them how they feel they often say "fine". Fine means many things in many contexts and in English we tend to make it mean "ok", but it is not a feeling word. On [...]

By |2019-01-31T11:59:44+00:00June 13th, 2013|Relationships|0 Comments

Pride and Prejudice

I was chatting to a friend about the the huge ratio of female clients that I have verses male clients. I love working with both. Women tend to be a little more open about there issues with friends and I suppose for that reason amongst others they find it an easy transition to coming to [...]

Is anger really optional?

What is anger? There are lots of descriptions available, here is one I find useful. 'Anger is an uncomfortable emotion we create in response to a perceived provocation.' Why do we do it? Again there are as many theories as there are people on the planet, but here is a version I find most useful. 'Because we believe we are [...]

Comparisons…one of the quickest routes to experiencing hell!

We go through life constantly comparing, "it's not fair he has a bigger house", "she has a better set of clothes than me, because she has better dress sense and more money", I have even had people say in sessions " I hate that women why is it she has a son that can talk [...]

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