When I explored what made me tick and decided to ignore what everyone and his dog thought about me, I started to realise what I really did and didn’t like. It is so simple and changed everything for me!
I stopped… spending so much time beating myself up for being a bad mother, wife etc… assuming other women find this easy, so why don’t I?
I stopped… spending so much time looking externally, hunting for that one response from my child,spouse, sibling, parent that would make me feel good.
I stopped… spending so much money on things that I believed would make me happy, the latest gadget, the latest trends…keeping up with the Jones.
What I started doing was creating a bigger version of me from the inside out, a more authentic me and more comfortable me. My clothes looked better on me and my skin felt more comfortable.
That sounds so indulgent and selfish? I hear you ask. Yes it was there to look after me, however when I look at those who benefited; it was my family for having a calmer more loving mum/wife/daughter/sister, my friends who I was so much more authentic and available with and now my clients and community with whom I work and teach them how to use the tools I have to help themselves.
So to use Michael Jacksons lyrics, “If you want to make your world a better place then take a look at yourself and make that change!”
You can be whatever you want to be, call me I am very skilled at helping people achieve this.
Rekha. 🙂